Health Lifestyle

Smart Swaps: Snack Replacements to Beat Belly Fat

cut belly fat

Belly fat is particularly a harsh foe in the battle of the bulge. But really, there are a variety of foods that are perfect for your waistline and your sense of taste. They help you beat against belly fat. This may be hard for you to believe, but they are so tasty, you are probably already eating them! When you eat, it is difficult to target belly fat explicitly. But losing the weight overall will eventually reduce your waistline; more specifically, it will help minimise the harmful visceral fat layer, a form of fat that you cannot see in the abdominal cavity, but that raises health hazards. 

Therefore, here are a few snack replacements to beat belly fat.

P.S- These are all vegetarian!

1. Red bell pepper with guacamole 

For the ones who did not know, Red bell peppers are very healthy. While all bell peppers are nutritious, antioxidants such as beta carotene, capsanthin and quercetin are especially high in the red varieties. They are high in vitamin C. Over 300 per cent of the daily value (DV) for this nutrient is found in 1 large red bell pepper. Combining one big red bell pepper with 3 ounces (85 grammes) of guacamole surely contributes to good fats and fibre while keeping the calorie count below 200 for this snack.

2. Justin’s Maple Almond Butter with Pretzels 

You will love to dip these crunchy pretzel sticks into Justin’s salty and sweet almond butter if you enjoyed those dunkable cookie packets when you were a child. These are rich in protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, unlike the sweets of your childhood. And the single packs make control of portions a cinch. It is available on Amazon as a pack of six for $16.58. 

3. Health Warrior Chia Bars 

Dieticians recommend Health Warrior Chia Bars as they serve as a great little grab-and-go snack. Also, to be low in sugar and high in soluble fibre, they have around 100 calories each, which makes you feel fuller for longer by slowing digestion and holding blood sugar in check. This is easily available on Amazon. Other Chia seed recipes will put you into a diet plan. 

4. Cherry Tomatoes with Mozzarella 

A taste of great combination is tomatoes and mozzarella cheese, and they’re healthy, too. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, lycopene, and potassium, an antioxidant which can reduce the risk of heart attack and cancer. Mozzarella is rich in vitamin B12, calcium and protein. It can also reduce the risk of heart disease by increasing the HDL (good) levels of cholesterol. 1 cup (149 grammes) of cherry tomatoes is less than 200 calories, combined with 2 ounces (60 grammes) of mozzarella cheese.

5. Mixed sprouts corn chaat 

It is indeed easy to prepare, yummy and oh-so-quick. This delicious dish is an ideal go-to snack when cravings strike, teeming with the excellence of sprouts, soft boiled corn, tomatoes and coriander chutney. A source of nutrients, this recipe is filled with proteins, vitamin K, dietary fibre, vitamin C, and folate. Several lentils and legumes can be sprouted, such as mung beans, kidney bean and chickpeas.

6. Multigrain sev puri 

A safe and toothsome makeover is given to your favourite chat item. The benefit of avocados, onions, tomatoes, cilantro, bean sprouts and mint is filled with this delicious recipe. Yeah, you heard us; the ideal mix of nutrition and indulgence is these bite-sized nibbles. You can easily try this at all as it does not even take much time to prepare. 

7. Hard-boiled eggs

Eggs are among the healthiest things you can consume and the most weight-loss-friendly. As well as vitamins K2 and B12, they pack more than enough protein. Eggs are extremely filling and will decrease the number of calories you consume for several hours, which can help with weight loss. While they have had a bad reputation for years because of their high cholesterol content, more recent research suggests that moderate intake of eggs does not affect your risk of heart disease. Around 140 calories and 13 grammes of protein are found in two large, hard-boiled eggs. 

8. Green pea upma 

Upma is a traditional breakfast down south. This delectable snack is a powerhouse of protein, made with thinly roasted semolina and green peas, balanced with mustard seeds and curry leaves. Enhanced with protein and fibre, this tasty upma is a healthy and safe treatment. Upma’s bowl includes vitamins and healthy fats. Cholesterol and calories are minimal, making it a nutritious meal, allowing you to have a balanced diet, and semolina is rich in iron.

9. Mixed nuts 

The perfect nutritious snack is nuts. They are associated with a decreased risk of heart disease and prevent some cancers, anxiety, and other diseases. It is quite filling, despite being fairly high in fat. Several types of research show that it helps with weight loss by eating nuts in moderation. It provides the optimal combination of healthy fat, protein, and fibre. On average, they produce 180 calories in a 1-ounce (28-gram) portion. They are great for getting on the go, as they do not need refrigeration.

10. Baked Ragi Chakli 

For people with diabetes, the fact that this is baked and loaded with fibre makes this a tasty low-calorie snack too. It takes a long time for the fibre to break down and digest. This implies the sugar in the bloodstream is eventually released. Since fibres still live in your system for so long, you feel complete and binge less.

11. Low-calorie dhokla 

This balanced type of dhokla, spongy and delicious, is a sumptuous snack you can whip up at any point of the day. As this dhokla is steamed, all the calories of a daily deep-fried snack are saved. About any time of day, this low-calorie snack is perfect. This low-calorie dhokla can be rendered in the microwave too! We noticed you slurping away!

12. Slices of cucumber with hummus 

Cucumber and hummus seem to go together really well. Cucumbers contain a compound called cucurbitacin E, which may have anticancer effects. Chickpeas, olive oil, and garlic are made from hummus, which reduces inflammation and can enhance heart health.

There are about 180 calories in one cup (52 grammes) of sliced cucumbers dipped into 3.5 ounces (100 grammes) of hummus.

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