
Power Banks and Laptops: How Much Extra Life Can You Squeeze Out of Them?

Power Banks and Laptops

Laptops are great because they are mobile. You can go anywhere with them as they are light and easy to carry. Their only limiting factor is their battery power what is more frustrating than desperately trying to finish some task before your laptop shuts down after you got the below 20% alert.

It should get noted not everything needs the same amount of power. Web browsing doesn’t take nearly as much energy as does gaming with complex games. If you are killing some time and only have a limited battery, Live Casino Roulette and other casino games or slots can last for an hour compared to your typical modern game with its very taxing graphics and memory usage. Those could maybe run for 15 minutes. So when your battery is low, stick to online cards and slots as they don’t drain the battery that much.

Things would be a lot easier if only you had a portable source of power. Same as you have for your mobile phone. Well, those already exist and are surprisingly not popular as one would imagine. Still, in this article, we discuss power banks for laptops.

Mobile Power Banks Are a No Go

But, first things first. You can not use the power bank for your phone as a power bank for your laptop. You need to get that idea out of your head. It’s not about the amount of power, but things just don’t work that way. If you want to have an additional reserve power source for your laptop, you will have to invest in a power bank designed for computers and not phones.

And don’t expect it to cost anything less than 200 dollars. There might be some chargers priced at more minor, but there is a reason for them being so cheap. They are low quality.

What to Look For In Power Banks?

Four things matter when talking about power banks. The first thing we covered was the price. The other 3 are voltage, connector, and size or weight. Voltage measures how much charge a battery bank can have. The more that number is higher, the more it can recharge your laptop. The best ones have voltages of around 100 watts.

For example, you have a 40W battery pack and a laptop that can hold 40 watts of power. That’s a great match: 1 fully charged battery pack = 1 full laptop recharge. On the other, if you have a laptop that consumes 80W, your power bank can only recharge half your laptop’s battery. It is impossible to say how many hours a power bank can add to your computer because it depends on what you do. But we can safely say that you would be able to charge your laptop battery fully with a good power bank and no heavy gaming.

Watch out for connectors. It would help if you had a suitable connector to easily plug the power bank into the power port on your laptop. The final thing to think about is size and weight. Don’t go too heavy because, realistically, you will never want actually to take the damn thing with you.

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