
10 Proven Tips to Deal with Anxiety


To switch on our ‘fight or flight’ reaction, which causes the stress hormones and the adrenaline rushing through our body, things like tests, traffic, dispute etc. are all more than enough. Usually, when there is no severe risk, the body’s natural reaction can become hypersensitive. The signal for outbursts comes from the amygdala, an area in the brain that controls this ‘fight or flight’ reaction. There is no need for this reaction when there is no danger, which implies that the oxygen and power that the body has been provided with, need not be wasted. It’s great if you can do some physical work to optimise the hormones, but that is not often feasible. 

Hence here are a few tips to cope with anxiety.

1. Chewing gum

One thing that is generally not good for anxiety is multi-tasking. But, if you are going to do that, do it while chewing gum. Research shows that chewing gum while multi-tasking lowers the cortisol levels, which imply a decrease in the levels of anxiety and improve concentration. Another study revealed that boosts a negative mood; it makes you feel better mentally. Scientists do not understand the reason behind it but, they guess that it happens because while you are chewing gum, more blood tends to flow in the brain which helps improve the levels of peace and calm.

2. Reduce caffeine intake

Caffeine is a restorative that is present in tea, coffee, chocolate and fizzy drinks. Large doses of it can cause anxiety. Everyone has different limits on how much caffeine they can withstand. If you find that caffeine causes you to be panicky or nervous, we recommend cutting back on it. Even though research suggests that coffee can be moderately good, it is certainly not for everybody. In particular, a moderate quantity is known to be five or fewer cups in a day.

3. Breathing control

The physical signs correlated with shallow fast breathing, an excess supply of oxygen and elevated heart rate can reverse once your respiration has been under control. There are some forms for this to be done like:

-try sitting quietly and breathe in and out with three counts

-make yourself aware of your breathing

-try to slow your breathing down

4. Bathing in the rain

Japanese authorities spent $4 million between 2004 to 2012 researching the therapeutic effect of’ forest bathing,’ which means spending quality time among trees. It decreases anxiety, strengthens the immune system and enhances emotions of well-being, they discovered. 

People also do not have to go to a highly dense forest. In such a park, individuals in towns have the same advantages. One would not need a great exposure, just like meditation, to have health impacts only need daily contact.

5. Try to say NO 

It Is not like all stress factors are under your jurisdiction, although some are. Take care of the components of your life that you can alter and trigger anxiety. Saying “no” more frequently could be one approach to do just that. If you notice yourself carrying on more than you will ever manage, this is particularly true, as balancing multiple duties can cause you feeling exhausted. Your stress levels can be minimised, by becoming careful with what they take on and saying no to things that would constantly add to your burden.

6. Laugh more 

Laugh is a simple, inexpensive, and pretty effective way to reduce anxiety and enhance your mood. The Mayo Clinic claims your heart and lungs are activated by laughing, taking in plenty of oxygen-rich air. Also, it raises the endorphins, the feel-good neurotransmitter of the brain, and strengthens the immune system. Research shows that while laughter activates your response to stress initially (triggering your blood pressure and heart rate to rise), it not only relaxes you but also satisfies when it abates. 

How do you encourage yourself to laugh more? Why not play with your children? Sometimes, going back to your childhood, like playtime, is a great way to appreciate life again when you’ve lost track. You can also participate in charity or volunteer work, such as helping in a medical mission or disaster relief. Joining advocacy groups, like organizations that help protect the environment or children’s rights, also helps.

7. Never fight it 

Anxiety builds off itself before you become worried about becoming anxious after a little while. The further you fight against it, the more it will stick with you. It seems to be there just to help you, note. The more anxiety one can embrace and remind themselves that it is there to take care of them, the sooner the anxiety can disappear. Recall that your anxiety is an over-vigilant mind’s physical, neurological reaction. To activate the deep breathing that will relax your physical effects, reassure yourself of all this.

8. Try avoiding procrastination 

To remain on track of your goals and stop wasting time would be another way to take care of your tension. Procrastination will lead you to behave reactively, causing you to catch up with juggling. This can contribute to the tension that adversely affects the health and the quality of sleep.

Go into the process of keeping a priority-organized to-do list. Offer yourself practical deadlines and work down on the list to make your way. Focus on projects that need to be completed today and allow yourself bits of idle time, as it could be difficult to move between activities or multitasking.

If you’re facing a disability associated with stress and anxiety, it’s crucial, too, not to procrastinate hiring a lawyer from firms like A lawyer can help you file a claim for short-term or long-term disability benefits as a result of not going to work because of your anxiety.

Essentially, procrastinating leads to idle time that allows for more instances to become affected by anxiety. To make matters worse, putting some things off could have costly consequences. 

9. Mindfulness 

 When the very term brings up the scent of incense and lentils and Skye Liberty Rain’s vision and astral friends projecting underneath a dreamcatcher, then you’ll have to know this: 

On deck is Harvard Medical School, identifying mindfulness as an effective therapeutic instrument. By strengthening ties in the brain, a few of the ways it functions is. Studies have also shown that tension can be relieved and help reduce depression and anxiety, enhance sleep, mood and concentration, promote learning, improve breathing, decrease heart efficiency and increasing immunity.

Mindfulness also calms the mind, slows down stressful thoughts and the nervous system, increases attention, and offers comfort. In Buddhism, the practice of mindfulness has its origins. It is indeed a useful way to evoke the answer to relaxation and includes watching or recognising without judgement what is occurring now, for each evolving instant. It is the reverse of multitasking, in brief.

10. Light a candle

Using essential oils or lighting a scented candle can significantly minimize your levels of depression and anxiety. 

A few soothing and calming scents are Lavender, Rose, Vetiver, Bergamot, Roman chamomile, Neroli, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Ylang-ylang, Orange or orange blossom and Geranium.

Aromatherapy is considered the use of scents to improve the mood. Many research suggests that aromatherapy can alleviate anxiety and promote sleep.


Dealing with anxiety isn’t a walk in the park. Different people have unique ways of coping with stress. Some people resort to productive activities such as gardening and aromatherapy. Stay brave and show a willingness to overcome anxiety. You can seek the help of a mental health expert, a life coach, a lawyer, and other professionals who can help you get through the rough times.

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