With every type of gaming, there are trends that change the way we play. VR is a great example of how PC and console gaming has been given a modern technological overhaul. Mobile devices have given players the opportunity to play games on the go – changing the face of the gaming industry in terms of player base and availability.
When it comes to the casino industry, they invest some of the most significant amounts of money into research and development. They look at player trends and how they can ensure that casinos are using the most cutting-edge technology.
One of the biggest and most significant game-changers in the gaming industry has been live-streaming and live casinos! From gamers streaming their intense LoL matches on Twitch to huge poker games and tournaments being streamed, and even live casino games from Virgin Games.
But what is it about live gaming that has made it the must-watch for gamers?
Sure, we have music streaming and more TV and movie streaming services than we can shake a stick at – but there is something unique about people or gaming studios streaming live games. The games are real-time and missing a second changes a lot!
For example, say your favourite casino game is poker, and you live in a different country from some of the biggest tournaments – and are never going to see your favourite players live – watching a poker tournament as it happens is incredible!
Or you play Sona or Jax (or anyone) in the LoL universe, and the more you play, the more you find out about the top players for that character, watching how they play live? Unrivalled!
Live streaming and live gaming are pure entertainment, and no matter what games you like to play, you are bound to find a match for you!
Have you got a snag in your rotation, and you can’t seem to get as many Executes in your rotation for the last 20% of the boss? Or perhaps, you are struggling to get the aim right for a headshot on COD? Or maybe you’ve been playing poker for a while but are still lacking a little bit of confidence.
Watching players who excel in what they do can give you some handy hints and tips that you can use. While they are unlikely to be explaining the ins and out during that match, you can go back through the footage and take notes.
For gamers who stream live, they tend to talk and explain what they are doing, and you might get tips for a new macro, modifier or even a mouse that will make all the difference.
While the side chat on a stream can get a little bit spammy, there are hundreds and, in some cases, thousands of players who are enjoying the same thing you are. You become part of a community of people who love the same thing – and who are spread all over the world.
The interactions can be very friendly and supportive. And, when the player base isn’t toxic, they are willing to share tips, cheat sheets, BETA keys, server invites and more. Because everyone is there for the same reason, it can be a great way to meet more players.
When you watch a streamer on a smaller scale, you become part of their success story too. Buying memberships, donating, and watching the stream helps them to grow what they do and keep offering great content.
Some of the biggest matches are sponsored by the biggest companies in the world, and most of the time, the matches and tournaments will be streamed either for free or for a reasonable price. If you have a group of friends or family members who enjoy the same thing, you can all chip into the pot to pay for a ticket.
Hook your pc or laptop up to a large screen, and you have some affordable entertainment and an excuse to get together and hang out!
Perhaps the live stream will start at a time during the evening or early morning, and you know you won’t be able to watch it all.
You can watch it on playback the following day when you have time. And what’s more, is that you can watch it on any device that suits you. You can set up at your PC desk or get comfortable in your bed and watch it on your mobile phone.
As forms of gaming entertainment go, streaming is one of the most convenient.
Live gaming is one of the most enjoyed forms of entertainment around right now, and it is like it will keep growing. With huge investments coming from large companies into gaming teams and eSports, there are likely to be even more big competitions for viewers to enjoy!