
Six Ways You Can Make Grocery Shopping Fun Again

Six Ways You Can Make Grocery Shopping Fun Again

Grocery shopping is mainly about food, a basic need for everyone. And unlike shopping for the newest attire and elegant shoes, food shopping doesn’t take you through a guilt trip. That’s because you know the items you bought aren’t out of whim or are extravagant. Instead, you bought them because you needed them.

But, no one can deny that grocery shopping lets you make impulse purchases, too. For instance, the pack of cookies that you may have overlooked on your first pass may end up in your shopping cart the next time around.

According to a study in 2019, an average Canadian goes grocery shopping 5.43 times a month and about 1.29 times a week.

While it’s essential to keep the pantry fully stocked with food items, there are two kinds of people; the first, those who would anticipate their weekly grocery store visit. Second, those who take a complete 180° turn and consider this as a mundane task.

If you’re in the latter category and the idea of grocery shopping fills you with dread, this article is for you. Grocery shopping shouldn’t be a hassle, so here are some tips to spice it up a bit and make this chore less taxing.  

1. Shop online

Shopping online has its perks, especially during the Christmas season in Canada. It’s cold, the traffic’s terrible, roads are slippery and dangerous, and stores are crowded. So why not avoid all that and get your stuff delivered to you?

In Lethbridge, everyone’s in a hurry, not surprising because the amount of road accidents increases yearly. Did you know stats claim there’s a collision every day that results in a severe injury, and every year, around two results in death?

It is a good enough reason for you to stay home and opt for Lethbridge grocery delivery rather than heading out for groceries. Since technology makes things easier, so why not take advantage of it?

You’ll find a great resource to find everything you’re looking for from the comfort of your home. All you have to do is select the items you want, check out, make your payments online and receive your stuff.

2. Check sale ads beforehand

Before you step out for the grocery store, check for sales and deals. Stores generally advertise their monthly or weekly sale offers on social media or through text messages, so if you’re heading out, better to know what to get and from where.

Read the flyers, check their price, circle the ones you think are good, and stock up on them. The few minutes you take to review these flyers can save you a ton of cash during your grocery shopping.

3. Don’t shop alone

Bring a shopping partner – it can either be your better half, your sister, or a friend. Think of it as an opportunity to catch up on things and spend quality time together.

With someone else by your side, you’ll make the experience fun and engaging. You can even divide tasks in your grocery list, get shopping done quicker, and less taxing as a whole.

4. Have fun with kids

If you plan on taking your kids along to the grocery store, ensure to keep them busy. Else they may end up wrangling and make your shopping experience stressful.

You can ask your kids to sort out the items you put in the cart. Or better yet, play grocery bingo. Hand each kid the board and ask them to circle the things they see while walking around the aisle. The first one to mark ten items wins the game.

5. Try new things

Often, we gravitate towards our favorite brands and pick routine food items. Do things differently this time around.

Pick up a random item and read about that product. Have you ever used it before? What are the instructions to use that product? Go the extra mile, take out your cellphone, and read about it. You will never know about the quality of a product unless you try it.

Another fun thing to do is buy the stuff you’ve always used to sneakily put on the conveyer belt when you were a kid.

6. Decide the perfect timings

Crowded grocery stores cause a lot of anxiety. Stores swarmed with people make it pretty hard to navigate and can even make a grown-up person cry, let alone a child.

If you can, visit the store at off-peak hours and avoid weekends altogether. When the place is less crowded, you can listen to music during shopping to take your mind off others.

Additionally, shopping at less busy times means you can choose the fastest checkout line, making your grocery shopping more efficient.

Final Words

Today, you can access several platforms that provide you with time-saving features and convenience for online grocery shopping.

But let’s admit; nothing beats the joy of pushing your shopping cart from one aisle to another, picking the items from the shelves, and viewing them. Physical grocery shopping is tedious but a significant part of our lives.

And if you wish to level up your grocery shopping game, try making it a fun-filled event. For instance, munch on snacks while you shop. Or, if you are shopping with someone, sneakily add items without them observing. Or challenge your shopping partner to be the first to find a particular item and turn your grocery shopping spree into a memorable experience. 

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