Unlike other MasterChef Junior contestants, Sofia Hublitz has progressed from hanging around Gordon Ramsay towards being a recognizable young celebrity. Born in 1999, she is now an American actress who got hired for a big TV series. American TV show “Ozark” stars Jason Bateman and Laura Linney as well as two younger actors who play their children – Sofia Hublitz and Skylar Gaertner. Let’s get to know one of the Ozark actors in more depth – Sofia Hublitz.
Sofia Hublitz: Quick Facts About The Actress
Who is Sofia Hublitz?
Sofia Hublitz is a young American actress who started acting in 2014. The young lady gained her popularity thanks to the talented performance of a role in the television series Ozark playing the role of Charlotte Bearden. There she played the part of the daughter of Jason Bateman (Martin Byrde) and Laura Linney (Wendy Byrde) characters.
Early Life:
The actress was born on the 1st of June in 1999 in Richmond,
Virginia, to her parents Keiran Lawrence Gaughan and Sosie Hublitz.
Despite the last names of the actress’s parents sound not quite typical
for the United States, Sofia Hublitz’s nationality is American.
For example, her father’s surname is derived from the Old Gaelic name, which is typical for Irish people. The actress’s mother’s surname is more typical for German-speaking countries.
Sofia Hublitz Age:
While Sofia plays a fifteen-year-old in Ozark, in real life Sofia was born on June 1st, 1999 making her 21 years old in 2020.
Acting Career:
Sofia’s debut on television as an actress took place in 2014 in the
television series Louie, which is a story about a stand-up comic. Here
she played the role of Danielle Hoffman and participated in two episodes
(In the Woods: Part 1 and In the Woods: Part 2).
Despite the fact that it was her first experience, Sofia was lucky to
work together with famous actors and gain experience for future works.
The next project of the actress came through a role in the television
series called Horace and Pete, directed by Louis C. K., with whom she
had already worked in 2014. Two years later, Sofia Hublitz Louie played
the role of young Sylvia, in a single episode of Horace and Pete. The
heroine of the series in her youth (Edie Falco plays the part of the
adult heroine). In this series, the young actress also managed to work
together with well-known and experienced people.
Her most recent project is a drama movie What Breaks the Ice. In this film, Hublitz has a leading role. She will perform the part of Sammy.
Sofia Hublitz Ozark:
Since 2017, the actress has played one of the main roles in the Ozark series, working with Jason Bateman and Laura Linney. Sofia Hublitz is the daughter of the main characters of Martin and Wendy. As of the present day, she is still participating in it, performing her role.
Sofia Hublitz MasterChef Junior:
Many viewers know Sophia thanks to her TV roles, but only real old
school fans know that she got her first television experience in 2013.
She took part in the MasterChef Junior culinary show. In this program,
young Sophia, while still being a 12-year-old child, was not remembered
by the public as the winner of the show, but still managed to leave her
mark on its history.
During one of the assignments, the girl had difficulty preparing the
cream. Unable to cope with the stressful situation and expecting outrage
and criticism from the presenter Gordon Ramsay, she burst into tears.
Unexpectedly for Sophia, the chef comforted her and offered his help.
This incident helped with the popularity factor of the future actress.
Sofia Hublitz Instagram:
Yes, Sofia is on Instagram. The 20-year-old looks to have had the account since 2014.
Sofia has around 78,000 followers, you can follow her too @sofiahub.